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If you know sports watches, you know Timex Ironman, the name that's crossed more finish lines than any other. With our Ironman T300 we bring that crucial extra level of functionality to a watch made for recreational runners like us, adding special functions to support Hiit sessions and take your cross-training to the next level. The watch's features include a performance pacer, hydration and nutrition alerts, a 500-lap memory and interval tracking with six customizable segments, helping you log more consistent workouts with fewer distractions. And because it's a Timex Ironman watch, you'll also get a 100m water resistance rating, three alarms, and our classic Indiglo backlight, all packed into a slim 42.6 profile that performs for years at a time on a simple coin-cell watch battery you'll never need to charge.

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  • Jewelry
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  • Macys
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