We call them signature for a reason. Our Signature Khakis are the pants you know us for, with Iron Free technology, added stretch and a Flex Comfort Waistband so you look and feel good at all times. We made this pair with our new Stain Defender - a more sustainable, Pfa-free way to protect from stains. The best-in-class, sustainably-made khaki we're known for. This specially developed No Wrinkle fabric doesn't crease easily.
We call them signature for a reason. Our Signature Khakis are the pants you know us for, with Iron Free technology, added stretch and a Flex Comfort Waistband so you look and feel good at all times. We made this pair with our new Stain Defender - a more sustainable, Pfa-free way to protect from stains. The best-in-class, sustainably-made khaki we're known for. This specially developed No Wrinkle fabric doesn't crease easily.
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