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Protective Conditioner With Aquatic Mint helps invigorate and purify the scalp while helping create a protective shield against follicle-clogging pollutants for healthier, shinier-looking hair. Everyday exposure to pollutants like polluted air, ozone and cigarette smoke creates oxidative stress. These pollutants cling to hair, making it dull, lifeless and dry while the surface of the scalp becomes clogged and uncomfortable. Specially formulated with a fresh, lightweight texture to be applied directly to the scalp using the needle-nose applicator, this antioxidant-rich, plant-based conditioner helps draw out pollutants without stripping away scalp's natural balance. It helps the scalp finally "breathe" and feel refreshed and hydrated. It also helps hair feel silky smooth, light, easy to style and full of radiant shine. The fresh, herbal fragrance has notes of aquatic mint, lemon and tea. The Klorane Botanical Foundation is protecting the ecosystem of the Cevennes National Park by helping detoxify its polluted rivers through phytoremediation, decontamination using plants. Aquatic mint was planted along the river banks and used in upstream filtration columns. After a few months, samples of downstream water showed a 17x decrease in pollutants.

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  • Cosmetics
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  • Macys
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