Hand Crank Hose Reel, Air, Diesel, Garden, Gasoline, Hydraulic Oil, Oil, Pre-Rinse, Pressure Washer, Washdown, Water, Hose Capacity 150 ft (1 in I.D.), 3,000 psi, Overall Height 25 1/8 in, Overall Length 23 in, Overall Width 34 in, Reel Material Steel,...
Hand Crank Hose Reel, Air, Diesel, Garden, Gasoline, Hydraulic Oil, Oil, Pre-Rinse, Pressure Washer, Washdown, Water, Hose Capacity 150 ft (1 in I.D.), 3,000 psi, Overall Height 25 1/8 in, Overall Length 23 in, Overall Width 34 in, Reel Material Steel,...
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