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Want to get smooth and strong locks naturally? Your hair is considered your crowning glory. And how it looks like will determine whether we look like royalty or stressed out. This is why it's important to take good care of our tresses. If you want to relax and enjoy the soothing sensation of gently massage through your hair, then this is the shampoo brush for you. Take care of your hair and yourself by using the StyleCraft massaging and shampoo brush. You won't have to use intense heat or harsh shampoos and conditioners to get that relaxed feeling and invigorating sense of freshly shampooed hair like when you visit a salon. Our massaging brush stimulates the scalp gently, helping bring nutrient and oxygen-rich blood to your roots. Massage your scalp and deep clean with less shampoo and conditioner, while strengthening the root of the hair and relaxing scalp muscles. (It might even relieve a minor headache) Perfect and easy daily shower routine for kids, men and women. Deep reaching soft bristles deliver your favorite products directly to roots while stimulating the scalp. Increases circulation while clearing dead skin cells to prevent dandruff, itching and inflammation. Ideal for all hair types and styles including natural hair, braids, aw weaves, or extensions.

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  • Cosmetics
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  • Macys
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