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Lines, wrinkles, age spots and dark spots don't discriminate, they affect people of all skin tones and types. This is where CosMedix Cell ID steps in. The concentrated blend of peptides, amino acids and antioxidants repairs existing damage while arming your skin with all the necessary nutrients to ward off future signs of aging. Designed to kickstart collagen and elasticity, this serum promotes cell renewal to restore a smooth, supple texture to your skin. Fine lines and deep furrows fade as your skin's moisture barrier improves. Bottle provides approximately 90 applications with regular use. Key Ingredients and Benefits: Oligopeptide: increases collagen and hyaluronic acid levels to signal smoother, younger-looking skin Niacinamide: improves elasticity, increases collagen synthesis and helps improve skin tone and texture Coconut Extract and Copper Amino Acids: revitalize and nourish skin to give it a healthy appearance | COSMEDIX Cell ID Nutritive Defense Serum, 1 oz | Dermstore

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  • Lotion & Moisturizer
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  • cosmetics
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