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The Larktale sprout V2 Single-to-Double Stroller/Wagon is a stylish, first of its kind, size-adjustable wagon, designedfor families living in metropolitan areas or have limited space in their home. The sprout is a compact single-seaterwagon that parents can expand into a double-sized wagon with no tools or conversion kits needed. With the sprout,parents have the option to select the right size chassis for their activity: Need extra cargo space or to add a seat foran extra kid Simply expand the sprout wagon chassis to make room for it all. Dropping off one kid at a playdatebefore running errands with the other Shorten the sprout wagon chassis to make strolling with one kid a little morepractical. All conversions can be completed in 5 seconds or less in this innovative stroller/wagon and everything youneed is included. Beyond the innovative flexibility of the sprout, parents will also love the luxury styling, extra-largesun canopy with air-flow panel and peek-a-boo window, the large storage basket, cargo divider for when the secondseat is not in use in double mode, included parent's console, leatherette wrapped adjustable handlebar, and all-wheel suspension. Suitable for kids from 6 months to a combined kid/cargo weight of 120 lbs. The compact flat foldof the sprout allows the wagon to be easily stored and transported.

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  • Baby Gear
  • Merchant
  • Macys
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